Friday, February 28, 2014


Today in class we will work on our Triptych and Levitation projects. 

Next project, Levitation!

Example of historical levitation photography

Remember, photographers have been manipulating images long before photoshop!

Falling Teacher

Now that we have each made one Levitation image in class, and each of you is now a pro... For the next assignment, you will create 3 amazing Levitation images! Using either yourself or a model for the image. (It must contain a person)

  • Think about the story you will try to tell. Consider the background, lighting, color, costume, hair, props, and accessories... I want an AWESOME ONE!
      • In class, we did a quick and dirty method with the Eraser tool for the weekly assignment. But for the AWESOME ones, I would like you to use the method I have listed below. (scroll to bottom of post)
Here are some helpful links for inspiration and tutorials:

Here are two really great tutorials, that go a little more in depth.
*using Selections:
  • He demonstrates syncing photos using Camera Raw in Adobe Bridge. You will be doing this in Lightroom. You can skip to 1:40.
* using Layer Masks:

Inspiration Images/Links:

Student Example

Student Example

Assignment for this week: "Levitation"

  • I want you to upload the Levitation image to your blog that we did in class. Title your post: Levitation - Class.
  1. For the AWESOME assignment, You will take a minimum of two photographs for each image. One of the empty scene and one with you "levitating."
  2. Locate your images. 
    • Process in Lightroom. (make sure color/exposure/density is the same!)
      • "Sync" photos.
  3. Open both images in Photoshop.
    • Locate your empty scene image. Hit (Command)⌘A to select all, and then ⌘C to copy. Locate your Levitating image and ⌘V to paste.
  4. In the Layers Palette, make sure the empty scene is selected. Drag this layer onto the layer mask icon to create a layer mask.
5. It should now look like this: 

6. Hit ⌘I to invert the layer. Your screen should now look like this:

7. Select your brush tool (B) and make sure that your painting with white. Using 100% opacity, paint out the object to erase from view. 
  • As you get closer to your body, you can lower the brush hardness, as well as the opacity and flow. This will allow for a cleaner erase and a more realistic "Levitation."

    1.  When finished, save one copy with the layers as a PSD. This is a working file for your records, in case you want to go in and change anything later. 
      • Now go to Layer -- and Flatten Image.
        • Save this copy as a TIFF (for print) and as a JPEG, to upload to blog.
  1. Lastly, upload the In Class Assignment to your blog no later than before class on 3/7. 
  2. The 3 images for your AWESOME Weekly assignment, will be due March 21. Please post to the blog BEFORE class, and bring your files / cameras with you to class. We will learn to print.

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