Friday, February 7, 2014

Campus Closed // Portraits

Hello Class:

As you have heard, the campus was closed today. Your assignment for the week will be to due the following things to prepare us for next week:

Portraits of Self, Portraits of Others

Emmit Gowin

Today, in class, we were going to talk about Portraiture. I was going to show you some great portrait artists and then we were going get into groups and start to photograph one another. 

Finding Vivian Maier, trailer

Richard Avedon, "Darkness and Light"

I would like for you to watch the Vivian Maier trailer video and also this video on Richard Avedon. We were going to watch both in class today. The Avedon video is a bit long; I was only going to show the first 30 minutes or so. (But you are welcome to watch it in it's entirety. It's quite good.)

Your project for the week is: 
  • Find five great portrait photographers online. I want you to tell me who took the pictures and why you like the images, and then add them to your blog in one post before next class. 
    • (So: An image of theirs. Their name. And what you like about the picture / why you chose them.)
        • I've included some photographers to look at for inspiration at the bottom of the post.
  • Your goal for the week is to make is to make great portraits of other people and also yourself. The photograph needs to be strong compositionally, be interesting to look at, and should tell us something about the person being photographed. A pretty tall order... sounds a lot like a collaboration between the subject and the photographer to me... You should have at least 5 GREAT images. (At least 1 must be a self-portait.)

Make sure you bring your pictures with you to next class, on your hard drive. 
ALL OF THEM. We will work on basic image editing next week.

The following images were made by Edward Curtis, he is the fellow on the right with the fine hat and goatee. He started this project to record the way of life of the North American Indian in 1907, and made more than 40,000 images of them. You can see many of them at the Library of Congress.

Richard Avedon, Marian Anderson, 1955.

Richard Avedon, Marian Anderson, 1955. 

Diane Arbus, Boy with Handgrenade.(Left) Contact Sheet (Right)

Here is a great resource on contemporary intimate portraiture:

Elinor Carucci, Trying to protect Emmanuelle
Annie Liebovitz, Queen Elizabeth II
Nan Goldin, Battered
Ji Yeo

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