Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday 2/14 "Framed"

Partitioning a Hard-Drive: Sharing between a Mac and a PC

You can print these out for your reference.

In case you haven't guessed, we are going to start working with Photoshop now. The first two mini projects will deal with working with layers in Photoshop.

Photoshop Basics Tutorial

This video is a bit on the cheesy side, but it will give you a run down of most of the basic tools and features in CS6.
  • Many of the options being shown are more advanced and we will not get to them until later in the semester. But it is good to know that they exist and where they are.

Project 1: Framed Assignment "How to See"

For this project we are going to choose 1 stationary object and photograph it as many DIFFERENT ways as possible. Think about the framing techniques we talked about in class. Getting closer, Further Away, Ants eye view, Birds eye view, etc.

We are going to work with composition. Filling the edges of the frame. No cropping!

Tip: Find an object that is stationary. Not a person or an animal. It's better if it is permanently seated in that place, or you can tape where it was to mark it's spot if you decide to go back and reshoot. 

We will process our images in Lightroom and then bring them into Photoshop. Here is a video I made showing you how to do this. 


Upload to your blog no later than before class on 2/21. 

EDIT: You should have between 15 and 25 images for the collage. Images can be vertical, horizontal, or squares. They can also be touching. Meaning, you do not have to have a border.

If you fee very confident with your Collage skills, try this out!

**BONUS** Project 2: Symmetry Triptych and Tutorial:
How symmetrical are you? Today we will find out.

  • I want you to watch the video tutorial

  1. Take a self portrait or have someone take your picture (headshot) straight on against a white wall. Try to stand up straight and be relatively expressionless.
    • Process portrait in Lightroom. (color, exposure, crop.)
      • Either crop into a rectangle or square.
  2. Make mirrored portraits in Photoshop, via the tutorial.
    • You should have a left mirrored portrait and a right mirrored portrait. 
  3. Place the original, the right, and the left portrait onto a single canvas in Photoshop. (in any order)
    1.  Make sure to have an even border all around your images. 
      • Save as a PSD, TIF, and as a JPEG.
        • (I saved it as a TIF in the tutorial. Save the final to upload as a jpg.)
        • File name 
  4. Upload to your blog no later than before class on 2/21. 
      1. We will also work on these in class for those that found this too confusing.
Next week:
We will talk review making contact sheets and review Photoshop. We will talk about the Exhibition Opportunities project. We will have a demo on the Canon Rebels. And we will have an in-class shooting assignment. We will learn how to do Levitation.

  • Please bring your cameras!

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