Friday, February 28, 2014



Today's Example

Student Example
Today we will work on our Triptych project. For this assignment, we will see just how symmetrical we are. 

  • Here is a video tutorial for your reference.
  1. Locate your portraits. 
    • Process portrait in Lightroom. (color, exposure, crop.)
      • They can be square or rectangles.
  2. Make mirrored portraits in Photoshop, via the tutorial.
    • You should have a left mirrored portrait and a right mirrored portrait. 
  3. Place the left, the original, and the right portrait onto a single canvas in Photoshop. (in that order)
    1.  Make sure to have an even border all around your images. 
      • Save as a PSD, a TIFF, and a JPEG.
        • (I saved it as a TIF in the tutorial. Save a flat version to upload as a jpg.)
        • File name 
  4. Upload to your blog no later than before midnight on Monday 3/3. 
NOTE: If you were not in class today, please follow along with the tutorial and post to your blog. 

If you feel really confident about mirroring and flipping images, you can take it a step further...

From a normal, original image...

Original Image

To a kaleidoscope effect!

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