Monday, March 17, 2014


Monday, March 17 Happy St. Patrick's Day! 

Welcome back Class!

I hope you each had a wonderful, restful, and productive Spring Break! We're now back to the grind and we have maybe what, six weeks left of classes?

This week we will build upon the "Levitation" assignment and incorporate multiple selves into the frame to complete the "Multiple Me" assignment. We will start off with an inspiration lecture, followed by in-class shooting time (bring your cameras!), followed by demo, and then open lab time. 

I will be available to help with any assignments.

The following projects will be due and will be critiqued next week on March 28: Levitation, Hockney, and Multiple Me assignments.

Aaron Hwang, Student Work 2013

Aaron Hwang, Student Work 2013

To Review:

Last class meeting, the lovely Ginger Sisco Cook led the class while I was away at SPE and went over the David Hockney assignment. I've included some images for reference below.

David Hockney!

Your assignment was to create at least two solid "Hockney" style images. You will need to add something to his style to make the images your own. 

  • Tip: use a lot of images. From multiple viewpoints, different lighting situations, multiple perspectives, etc. 
These are due next Friday, March 28 on your blog. 

1 comment:

  1. Your class was such a joy! I find your inspirations and technical instructions very helpful.
