Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday 3/28/ 14 Critique // TriangleTriangle addenum

Today in class we critiqued our Levitation, Hockney, and Multiple Me assignments. We also filled out our print cards and learned how to use the print lab.

You guys did fantastic today! Keep up the good work.

I was informed in class today that the TriangleTriangle blog has been taken down. However, the tumblr is still up. 

BLOG ARTICLE POST EDIT: I would like you to go to and critique 1 image. You will need to post the image and link back to the site. But instead of critiquing an article about a piece of artwork, we will critique just the artwork.

Please have this up on your blog by next Monday, March 31. 

Your assignment for the week is to get your blogs and assignments up to date. I want every person to be current with projects.

Next week, I will discuss the Final Project. 

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