Friday, March 21, 2014

Last Chance

March Make-Up Mid-Term Grade Madness

In honor of March Madness, I will be offering a Last Chance effort to get up to date with any missing assignments. 

If you complete your missing assignments, I will give you partial credit. This can be the difference between 2 letter grades for some students. 
(The difference between passing and failing!) 

To do this:

  • Post all missing assignments in 1 blog post. Title it, "Last Chance." You will then need to email me @ to notify me that it has been completed.  
  • I will then check your post and grade accordingly.
  • This must to be done by 11:59 pm on April 11 to receive credit.
    • If you were not in class today and are unsure what you are missing, or were unclear during class, please email me to double-check which assignments you are missing. 

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