Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday April 18: Presentation Techniques

Today in class we had our Show & Tell for the Final Project. After that, we learned how to measure the golden mean and use the mat cutter, and how to mat and mount your prints for the Final Critique.

We also went over the bonus assignment, GIFS!

For those of you that were not in class today: please look over the previous blog posts to get yourself caught up. A reminder that your Show and Tell progress images should be posted to your blog or emailed to me by 11:59 pm today, in order to be counted. 


  • Work on shooting and processing your images for the Final Project. Next week, we will have Open Lab / Work Time the entire class to get ready for the Final. I will be available help with processing, printing, or matting.
      • The following week is MAY 2. When it is due.
          • Lab time is for your benefit. Make sure to utilize it effectively. 

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