Friday, January 24, 2014

Assignment 1: My World

Today in class we went over the syllabus, took a tour of the lab facilities, and the 3rd Floor Checkout in the Journalism department. I also introduced blogger. You will need to set up a blog for the duration of this course. Please email me your blog link if you haven't already:

Your assignments for this week are as follows:

  • Read over the syllabus and procure materials
  • Email me the link to your blog
    • Start working on customizing your blog. This is an extension of you and your individual platform. Be as creative or as simple as you like. 
      • As long as I can read your text and clearly see images/navigate, it is all good.
  • Copy and Paste the "Questions" questionnaire to your blog. Please fill in your answers with a contrasting color/font/style so that it is easy to read.
  • Complete the "My World" Assignment

My World
This will be a simple shooting assignment to get you started taking images. For this assignment, I want you to take photographs of your world. These images may be of your neighborhood, hobbies, home, culture, and/or really anything that you would like to share about your life, interests, and personality.You will need to take a minimum of 10 photographs daily for 5 consecutive days using any available digital camera

At the end of the day, review the images you shot, and then post your favorite from each day to your blog. For Fridays class, you will bring all of the images you have shot on your media card or hard drive. You should have at least 50 images to work with. 

This is your world. Show me it. And try to make your images interesting. (Even if what you are doing isn't). When making your daily photographs, consider photographing something that you weren’t expecting to see, something you enjoy seeing everyday, the places, people, and things around you. Think about how photography can elevate the ordinary or how the camera can be used like a visual diary. Shoot several photographs throughout the day and then select your favorite from each day to post to your blog and turn in for critique. You will do this for five CONSECUTIVE days. Be thoughtful about your photographs and shoot with intention.
  • Hint: For images to be successful, you will need to slow down and shoot a lot of images. The more the better!

    Things to ask yourself when shooting:

    ·   How is the photograph framed and why?
    ·   Is the light quality working for you or against you?
    ·   What would happen if you stepped back 10 feet or got closer to your subject? Or if you stood on a chair or were to lie on the ground?
    ·   Why are you interested in the photograph you just made – and if you are not interested in it, why and what could you do to change that? 
So, to recap:
·       Shoot Everyday – To complete this assignment on time, you must begin by Sunday, January 26, 2014
·       At the end of each day, Review your photographs
·       Select the photograph you are the most excited about from each day – Even if you are excited about multiple photographs from one day (which I hope is the case!) you still must select only one image
·       Prior to class, Upload your 5 Favorite photos to your blog in 1 blog post: Title post as “My World”

The final work will be evaluated on concept and composition. We will not be printing these images.

Due:   Friday, January 31, 2014

Post your favorite 5 images (1 from each day) in 1 post, on your blog BEFORE class on January 31

And bring the files from ALL your daily images on your hard drive to class on Friday. We will use these files for our first lab exercise in LightRoom and PhotoShop.

You will be graded on:

·       Shooting consecutively (I will review the metadata on your photographs, which indicates the date shot)
               –  Remember, your metadata will show when the images were taken and                               they must have been taken between August 31 and September 6, 2013.
·       Ability to upload your photographs to your blog by the deadline.

·       Content / Intentionality of your images

Happy Shooting!

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